2025 ABA-IPL Section Annual Meeting
Sponsorship Benefit Guide
April 30 – May 2 | Crystal Gateway Marriott | Arlington, VA

IPLPSRING is the premier intellectual property conference of the year. The meeting, featuring more than 20 CLE sessions, networking events, wellness programs, business meetings and more.
Sponsorship will provide visibility to the most influential leaders in IP Law and unparalleled networking opportunities to drive new business for your organization!
View the 2025 IPL Spring Infographic>>
Sponsorship Packages & Exhibit Opportunities
A la Carte Sponsorship
*Custom Sponsorship Packages
We believe in providing each sponsor with a unique opportunity to engage and interact with attendees. If there is not an opportunity listed that meets your specific needs or fits within your budget, please contact us regrading, CUSTOM SPONSORSHIP PACKAGES, that can be designed to fulfill your specific marketing needs.