IPLSPRING Gold Sponsorship

Pre-Meeting Benefits:                                                                                                                                                                                                                

  • Premium visibility on the IPLSPRING website with company logo linking to sponsor website.

  • Sponsor acknowledgement in the official IPLSPRING brochure sent to all Section members and posted to website.

  • Acknowledgement as a Gold Sponsor on the Section’s CLE webpage where the materials will be downloaded.

  • Sponsor logo inclusion in the IPLSPRING meeting app where attendees can access important meeting details, schedules, agendas, meeting materials.     

On-Site Meeting Benefits:                                                                                                                                                                                                          

  • Verbal acknowledgement by Section Chair at key Meeting programs and in Welcome Remarks other than at the luncheon and reception.

  • One (1) complimentary full meeting registration.

  • Exhibit display opportunity (One exhibitor table and two chairs will be provided) with two (2) Exhibitor badge. (Not a full meeting registration)

  • Logo/company name display near registration area.

  • Gold sponsor ribbon to wear on name tag.

Post-Meeting Benefits

  • Sponsor logo acknowledgement in one issue of the ABA-IPL Section monthly E-News with a digital circulation of approximately 12,000.

  • Post-Event attendee list. (name, firm name/company, city and state per ABA policy)        

Investment: $7,500