TYL Monthly Enewsletter

TYL Monthly Newsletter

The most comprehensive enews piece reaching young lawyers today! TYL Monthly connects ABA members with long-form content on professional and practice development.

Subscribers: 75,000
Avg. Open Rate: 24.26%

$2,500 per monthly insertion
6x - $2,300 per insertion
12x - $1,800 per insertion

Upper: 600 x 100 static JPG
Middle: 300 x 169 static JPG
Lower: 280 x 280 static JPG

Upcoming Topics

November 2024: Legal Writing & Native American Heritage

December 2024: Best of 2024 Content

February 2025: Diversity & Black History Month

March 2025: Rules of the Court & Women’s History Month

May 2025: Mental Health Awareness

June 2025: Client Management & Pride Month

August 2025: Managing Up (firm dynamics, senior lawyers).

Submission Info:

For questions regarding file submission, contact:
Emily Shawen