The SciTech Lawyer

Covering the intersecting worlds of law, science, and technology.

The SciTech Lawyer is published quarterly as a service to its members by the Section of Science & Technology Law of the American Bar Association. It endeavors to provide information about current developments in law, science, medicine, and technology that is of professional interest to the members of the ABA Section of Science & Technology Law.

Distribution: 6,600+
Frequency: Quarterly

SciTech cover

Editorial Calendar

Winter 25 Issue: Health Law
Space Close: 10/23/2024
Art Due: 11/1/2024

Spring 25 Issue: Artificial Intelligence
Space Close: 2/24/2025
Art Due: 3/3/2025

Summer 25 Issue: Space Law
Space Close: 5/21/2025
Art Due: 5/28/2025

Fall 25 Issue: TBD
Space Close: 7/28/2024
Art Due: 8/4/2024

Rates & Specs

Full Page with Bleed: 

Trim, define at: 8.25” x 10.875” 

Add .125” to all four sides to arrive at the bleed size of: 8.5” x 11.125” 
Safety, keep all text elements inside: 7.1” x 9.3” 

Half Page Horizontal: 
7.1” x 4.4” 

1/3 Page Vertical: 
2.2” x 9.3

Digital File Formats 

  • Send high-resolution Adobe Acrobat PDF files to

  • All graphics should be 300dpi (dots per inch). 

  • Use CMYK color model. File with PMS colors will NOT be accepted.

  • Live matter should be kept ¼" from trim/edge measurement. 

  • Any art or text elements intended to bleed off the page should have a 1/8” bleed outside the trim. Trim marks should be outside the bleed area. 

  • File should be actual size 

Submission Info:

For questions regarding file submission, contact:
Emily Shawen