Jurimetrics Journal Email
Scholarly publication delivered quarterly to SciTech members via email. Jurimetrics Journal is produced by the ABA Section of Science & Technology and the Center for Law, Science & Innovation at the Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law, Arizona State University.
Advertising places you in the announcement email that’s distributed when the publication is shared with members.
Distribution: 6,600+
Frequency: Quarterly
Average Open Rate: 29%
Rates & Specs
Upper Right: is the first digital advertising placement opportunity. This ad placement will be positioned immediately below the masthead and along the e-newsletter's right rail.
Middle Right: is the second digital advertising placement opportunity. This ad placement will also be positioned on the e-newsletter's right rail and stacked directly below the Upper Right ad.
Ad File Requirements: 2560 pixels wide by 1440 pixels high. PNG files only.
Submission Info:
For questions regarding file submission, contact:
Emily Shawen