RPTE Leadership Directory

The annual RPTE Leadership Directory is distributed to approximately 500 of RPTE’s leaders. These attorneys are the leading practitioners of real property and trust and estate law throughout the country. The RPTE Leadership Directory is an indispensable desk reference used by them throughout the year.


Ad Specifications

Back cover $3,900
Cover 2 $3,500
Cover 3 $3,500
Full Page 4C $1,800
1/2 Pg 4C $1,200
1/4 pg 4C $1,000

Full Page 5” width x 8” high

1/2 Page 5” width x 4” high

1/4 Page 2 ½” width x 4” high

Publication Deadlines
2024-2025 Issue
Space Close: 7/16/24
Art Due: 7/19/24

Submitting files:

Please go to http://abarpte.sendmyad.com to submit files.

Please supply only a print-ready PDF file. We cannot accept any native application file formats (i.e., MS Word, InDesign, Publisher) or any other file format. PDF must be a hi-res, print-ready file. All raster images should be 300 dpi. All fonts must be embedded.

Do NOT include a bleed on ads.

Color ads must use CMYK color only. RGB color or spot colors (e.g., Pantone colors) are NOT acceptable.

Materials that are not properly prepared may be subject to additional production charges.

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Meredith Targarona