Rates & Submissions

Law Practice Today (LPT) is the monthly digital periodical produced by the ABA Law Practice Division. The importance and value of law practice topics to every attorney is exemplified by the ABA’s decision to provide LPT to the entire ABA membership as a key added-value component, increasing readership by nearly 400%. In addition, LPT recently underwent a complete redesign, making it visually appealing and adding features to increase SEO and social media value to the publication.



Average Direct Email sends per issue - Over 300,000
Average web views per issue - 60,000
Total monthly average impressions - Around 340,000

Did you know Law Practice Today reaches all ABA members?


Advertising Options

Leaderboard Banner

Leaderboard is the most prominent placement in Law Practice Today in the email and web format.

Size 728x90 pixels
Exclusive per month

Medium Rectangle Banners

High visibility square banners align on the right side of the web format and next to the lead articles in the email format.

Size 300x250 pixels
2 positions available per month

Sponsored Content

For the first time, LPT will provide an exclusive opportunity (one slot per issue; ABA approval required for each submission) to publish substantive content with the editorial contributions for each issue. Whether it is used for thought leadership, white papers or product announcements, this is a unique and highly visible way to get your message across to every attorney in the ABA.

Feature Adjacent Banner

Banners are visible on each and every article that is clicked on as well as in the Law Practice Today E-newsletter
Size 468x60 pixels
2 positions available per month

The ability to provide substantive content amongst the articles of each issue; thought leadership, white papers, product announcements, etc. The sky is the limit! Your content will run next to articles. (ABA must approve content)
2 content spots available per issue