ABA Journal Website Advertising
ABAJournal.com Monthly Web Stats
1,355,594 PAGE VIEWS
TIME ON SITE: 02:03 - Desktop | 01:41 - Tablet | 01:23 - Mobile
Leaderboard* | 728 x 90 | $50 CPM |
Upper Rectangle | 300 x 250 | $56 CPM |
Lower Rectangle | 300 x 250 | $25 CPM |
Sponsored Content Feature | Specs below | $3,500 per week |
Supported creative formats include JPEG, PNG or GIF. Static or animated banners accepted.
*For Leaderboard ads, please submit two ad sizes: 728 x 90 pixels for desktop, and 320 x 100 pixels for mobile.
Ads and links can be sent to emily.shawen@wearemci.com
Sponsored Content with Exclusive Branding
Pricing per week:
Sponsored Content
Written and supplied by the advertiser and limited to 600 words
Can contain up to 10 embedded links that could link to videos or microsites within your website
Could be used to disseminate White Papers, Testimonials, Product Info, or simply be used as a means to further promote the advantages/benefits of your products or services
Sponsored content page banner specs/requirements: submit one leaderboard (728 x 90), 2 rectangles (300 x 250 upper and lower). JPEG, PNG, GIF formats accepted. Static or animated accepted
Content to be submitted as a Word doc. Include clear title (less than 80 characters including spaces)
Email all materials to emily.shawen@wearemci.com