Intellectual Property Law Sponsored Webinars
These webinars offer section members a training and learning resource to watch live demos and instruction on hot topics and products in intellectual property law. Industry experts will host each 30 minute webinar and will have the ability to speak as a topic expert and gain visibility for their company.
Sponsorship Includes
Excellent branding & marketing – Sponsor mention and logo recognition in all IPL webinar promotion and ability to follow up with those signed up for the webinar via email from IPL
Thought leadership – Ability to co-present webinar with IPL staff or present an approved webinar on your own
CLE approval requires 45-60 day lead time prior to promotion.
Long lasting presence – Webinars are placed in library for on-demand views. Other section webinars have seen more than 2,500 on-demand views per year.
List of attendees - (names, company, city and state) Please note that it is against ABA Policy to provide email addresses.
Webinar Topics, speaker and content are provided by the sponsor and executed with IPL staff.
$4,000 per webinar (Non-CLE)
$5,000 (CLE Approval)