2023 ABA Annual Meeting Engagements with the GPSolo Division
August 2-8, 2023 | Colorado Convention Center |Denver, CO
The ABA Solo, Small Firm and General Practice Division (“GPSolo”) has scheduled the following events during the ABA Annual Meeting, which are available for sponsorship.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Keithe E. Nelson Memorial Military Law and GPSolo Awards Luncheon
Friday, August 4, 2023
12:00 – 2:00 PM Mountain Time
Expected Attendance: 80 – 100 pp.
Major General Keithe E. Nelson Military Law Luncheon is GPSolo’s marquee event for military lawyers at the 2023 ABA Annual Meeting. The sponsorship will help defray production costs, which we would otherwise have to pass along to attendees. Some notable attendees in the past have included members of the U.S. Court of Armed Forces Appeals for the Armed Forces (CAAF), Judge Advocate Generals, ABA Presidents, and industry leaders. New this year, GPSolo will be recognizing a deserving individual who has made a difference in the local community with a Difference Makers Award. Additionally, awards will be given by the ABA Standing Committee on Armed Forces Law and the ABA Young Lawyers Division.
Presenting Sponsor: $2,500
Verbal recognition at least once during the event
Name listed on event program
Logo on event signage
One table for eight at reception at a reserved table
Opportunity to distribute materials/promotional item
Full-page ad in the GPSolo Magazine
Supporting Sponsor: $1,500
Verbal recognition at least once during the event
Name listed on event program
Name on event signage
One table for eight at reception at a reserved table
Friend Package $500
Verbal recognition at least once during the event
Name listed on event program
Name on event signage
GPSolo Scott C. LaBarre’s Celebration of Life
Friday, August 4, 2023
5:15 – 6:15 PM Mountain Time
Expected Attendance: 400 – 450 pp.
GPSolo Chair Scott C. LaBarre suddenly passed away on December 10, 2023, and the 2023 ABA Annual Meeting would have been the final meeting of his tenure as Chair. In addition to his incredible work with GPSolo, Scott was an active leader in the organized blind movement, serving as Chair of the Colorado Center for the Blind, leading the National Association of Blind Lawyers, and establishing the Jacobus tenBroek Disability Law Symposium. Scott ran a solo law firm in Colorado, where he practiced in the fields of employment law, disability rights, and international copyright policy while raising a family with his wife, Anahit. Scott’s impact on GPSolo is indescribable. He was not only an amazing leader and advocate for our Division but also a dear friend. We are eternally grateful for Scott’s incalculable impact on the organized blind movement and the legal profession. Please join us as we raise a glass in his honor!
Co-host sponsorship - $1,900
Logo Included in any advanced marketing
Logo included in Onsite signage
Acknowledgement from the podium
Opportunity to offer an attendee gift
Supporting Sponsorship $800
Name Included in any advanced marketing
Name included in Onsite signage
GPSolo Council Meetings & Lunch
Saturday, August 5, 2023
10:00 AM – 3:00 PM Mountain Time
Expected Attendance: 25 – 30 pp.
The purpose of the Council meeting is to exercise all powers and duties necessary and appropriate for carrying out the business and affairs of the Division. The function of the Council is to set policy for the Division.
Friend Package $500
*Limit to 8 sponsors
Verbal recognition at least once during the event
Name listed on event program
Name on event signage
+1 invited attendee