GPSolo eReport

GPSolo eReport

GPSOLO eReport is a monthly electronic newsletter that presents short, quick-read articles designed to meet the unique information needs of solo, small firm, and general practice lawyers.

Each issue provides readers with insight into law practice management; reports on technology that enables law firm success; and substantive analysis of trends in business law, estate planning, litigation, real estate law, and family law

Distribution: 20,700+
Frequency: Monthly
Average Open Rate: 46%

Publication Schedule

Rates & Specs

The eReport appears in a single-column format; ad placements will alternate with article titles in the following sequence: at the top is the Upper Rectangle placement, then an article title, then the Middle Rectangle placement, then an article title, then the Lower Rectangle placement.

Upper Rectangle: placements in the GPSOLO eReport also receive bonus placements on the americanbar. org website:

  • (1) on the GPSOLO eReport issue page where articles appear;

  • (2) on the GPSOLO eReport home page where different issues can be selected;

  • (3) on the web page of any GPSOLO eReport article from the current issue that is selected to appear for a week on the ABA home page (these articles generally receive several hundred additional impressions during that week).

  • The website is responsive for viewing on mobiles devices, so the bonus placements require two different ad files. For viewing on a mobile device: 300 x 250. For viewing on a desktop: 970 x 90. PNG files only. Advertisers can use the same linking URL for both the newsletter placement and the bonus website placements, or they can supply two different URLs.

Ad File Requirements: PNG files only. 

Submission Info:

For questions regarding file submission, contact:
Emily Shawen