GPSolo eReport
GPSolo eReport
GPSOLO eReport is a monthly electronic newsletter that presents short, quick-read articles designed to meet the unique information needs of solo, small firm, and general practice lawyers.
Each issue provides readers with insight into law practice management; reports on technology that enables law firm success; and substantive analysis of trends in business law, estate planning, litigation, real estate law, and family law
Distribution: 20,700+
Frequency: Monthly
Average Open Rate: 46%
Publication Schedule
Rates & Specs
The eReport appears in a single-column format; ad placements will alternate with article titles in the following sequence: at the top is the Upper Rectangle placement, then an article title, then the Middle Rectangle placement, then an article title, then the Lower Rectangle placement.
Upper Rectangle: placements in the GPSOLO eReport also receive bonus placements on the americanbar. org website:
(1) on the GPSOLO eReport issue page where articles appear;
(2) on the GPSOLO eReport home page where different issues can be selected;
(3) on the web page of any GPSOLO eReport article from the current issue that is selected to appear for a week on the ABA home page (these articles generally receive several hundred additional impressions during that week).
The americanbar.org website is responsive for viewing on mobiles devices, so the bonus placements require two different ad files. For viewing on a mobile device: 300 x 250. For viewing on a desktop: 970 x 90. PNG files only. Advertisers can use the same linking URL for both the newsletter placement and the bonus website placements, or they can supply two different URLs.
Ad File Requirements: PNG files only.
Submission Info:
For questions regarding file submission, contact:
Emily Shawen