Government & Public Sector Lawyer Webinars
GPSLD Webinars
The ABA’s Government and Public Sector Lawyers Division (GPLSD) presents CLE webinars addressing various topics designed for the unique concerns of public lawyers and also for private sector lawyers who want a better understanding of government policies and operations.
Examples of recent topics include:
Due Process Rights of Public Employees Facing Discipline
Government Whistleblowers: Why We Need Them
Understanding Garrity and Kalkines Warnings in Federal Internal Investigations
GPSLD also regularly partners with the Young Lawyers Division to present training on key legal competencies such as writing, negotiation and deposition skills.
Upcoming Webinars
Legal skills webinar series cosponsored by the Young Lawyers Division:
Negotiation Skills-Early December 2024
Deposition Skills-Early April 2025
Sponsor BOTH (2) webinars for $5,000
Deliverables include:
Exposure on two pre-webinar email sends
Inclusion in one send of the quarterly e-newsletter (depending on date submission)
Acknowledgement during the presentation
Logo and 1 sentence message on introductory and closing webinar slides
Sponsor name on webinar archive page
Lead generation registrant information to be provided to sponsor (Name, Company Name, City, State)
*please inquire about planned upcoming webinar topics
Investment: $3,000 per webinar
Contact us today to secure your placement!
For questions regarding file submission, contact:
Emily Shawen