The Public Lawyer Magazine
The ABA’s Government and Public Sector Lawyers Division magazine, The Public Lawyer, provides practical, in-depth articles addressing issues from the unique perspective of public lawyers.
Recent article topics include:
the federal response to hoarding and price gouging during the Covid 19 pandemic
courtroom dogs ensure victims’ voices are heard
cultural competence for lawyers
effective witness preparation
Distribution: 7,000+
Frequency: 2x per year
Display Ad Rates
Full Color
Full Page: $1,595
Half Page Island: $1,280
Half Page Horizontal: $1,210
Quarter page - $1,110
Premium Position
Inside Front Cover: $1,895
Inside Back Cover: $1,875
Back Cover: $2,010
Editorial Calendar & Deadlines
Winter Issue 25
Space Due: 10/18/2024
Art Due: 10/25/2024
Summer Issue 25
Space Due: 5/9/2025
Art Due: 5/16/2025
Contact us today to secure your spot!
For questions regarding file submission, contact:
Emily Shawen